May 16, 1996
The Roadway
Today's Reading: "The Roadway" by Adrienne Rich from COLLECTED EARLY POEMS, 1950-1970, published by W. W. Norton & Company.
Today is Ascension Day, commemorating Christ's ascension into heaven.
The Calaveras County Fair and Jumping Frog Jubilee begins today in Angels Camp, California with more than 3,000 frogs from around the world.
Today is the anniversary of the meeting of James Boswell and Samuel Johnson in London in 1763.
It's the birthday of the American statesman who negotiated the purchase of Alaska, William Henry Seward, born in Florida, New York in 1801.
It was on this day in 1866 that the U.S. Treasury Department was authorized to manufacture the five-cent piece, the nickel.
American writer, Louis "Studs" Terkel ,was born in New York City in 1912.
It's the birthday of American poet, Adrienne Cecile Rich, born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1929.
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